
Alt Meat: What’s next for the meat alternatives category?

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Alt Meat: What’s next for the meat alternatives category?

Innovation has paved the way for alt meat makers looking to mimic the real thing. And there is more to come. Which innovative technologies and ingredients promise to mimic the taste, texture, and cooking behaviour of conventional meat?

Panel discussion: Fungi, seaweed, and beyond: The new ingredients promising to elevate alt meat

In search of clean, sustainable – and importantly tasty – ingredients for plant-based formulations, food makers are looking outside the box. From fungi to seaweed, new fats and ancient grains, how are unlikely ingredients contributing to a new wave of meat mimicry? We’ll explore the challenges and opportunities facing innovators in reaching, and convincing, consumers.

- Which new technologies and ingredients, both on the market and off, are driving innovation in slaughter-free meat?

- Sustainability 2.0: Next-gen alt meat doing more with less

- Consumer perception: Are shoppers ready for fungi in their burgers and seaweed in their steak?