Technical / White Paper

EPCevia, A Stevia Reb-olution

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EPC Natural Products Co., Ltd.

EPC is an innovative developer and provider of stevia-based sweetening solutions commercialized under the brand EPCevia.

Consumers have been facing challenges in using stevia in various applications due to its particular taste. EPC highlights the fact that stevia as a high-performance sweetener should be offered on customized basis. Based on the “three primary colors (features)” of stevia’s taste discovered by EPC, the company developed SteviaWheel which enables consumers to sweeten various products with stevia while retaining an excellent taste even at high sugar replacement ratio.

If you have any one of the following questions, download this free whitepaper where you will find the answers.

  • Is stevia a mainstream sweetener?
  • Is the bitter note of stevia inerasable?
  • How to get 100% sugar-reduction with stevia?
  • How can stevia sweeten up your applications with a sugar-like taste?

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